Well it might be the beginning of November, but I've been spending the last 4 weeks getting ready for Christmas! Yep....a bit of an update since my last chat with you We all know that our world is very different this year, and what we know is not what we'll be doing this year. November and December in the past have been very busy for me, doing craft shows and meeting so many wonderful people. That won't be happening in the same way as before. But many organizers have found new ways to hold OnLine or Virtual Christmas Markets. We don't know how they will turn out, and we'll surely miss the face to face, but we're all hoping that it actually might make it easier for more people to see what we have. I am involved in 4 shows, and each one involves a different 'platform' to set up our work. Which I have to say is taking hours, getting the online store up. I've even made a couple of videos so there is at least a real person to see for a few minutes. Here's Dennis cutting mats.......lots of new paintings & prints! This is some fascinating video for sure (ha ha ha ha) It might LOOK like I know what I'm doing. I figure if I have lots of cables, and adapters and tripods and wires, something will work! I'd like to ask a favour of you and your friends,......please consider checking out these online markets wherever you are. The handmade vendors are trying to find a way to get their produce for you to see....and this is the way it will be this year. An interesting plus, is that many of them are on for 3 to 30 days! Not just one day for 4 or 5 hours. You can take your time...browse.....come back in a few days...order something.....decide you want more....browse again.......24/7 for that time period. Should be much more relaxing for everyone! Here are the ones that I am going to be involved in. Of course, you can contact me at anytime and also see all my work here on my website. But there's lot of other great work from many amazing vendors!
Check out my "Upcoming Events" page with links to each market that are active only during the dates of the 'market'
Will I 'see' you there?
AuthorDebbie Hannaberg Archives
January 2024
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